Try These Tips If you have insomnia, developing healthy sleep habits can make a big difference. These guidelines are especially important for people who can’t fall asleep or stay asleep regularly. Stick to the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the...
Ask the Right Questions and Stay Safe If you take several different medicines, see more than one doctor or have certain health conditions, you and your doctors need to be aware of all the medicines you take to avoid potential problems, such as drug interactions....
Know the Difference You’re feeling crummy, with sneezing, sniffles, post-nasal drip…is it a cold, or are your allergies flaring up? It can be hard to tell them apart because they share so many symptoms. Colds are caused by viruses and can lead to a...
Only a Strep Test Will Tell for Sure Strep throat is a bacterial infection in the throat and tonsils. The bacteria are spread through contact with droplets after an infected person coughs or sneezes. If you touch your mouth, nose or eyes after touching something that...
Time for a Foot Checkup In celebration of Foot Health Awareness Month, check your feet and ankles at home using these simple steps: Skin: Check each foot for calluses, blisters or irritation. Now put your hand inside your shoe. Are there seams, tacks or rough places...
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