Is It a Heart Attack?

Know the Signs – and What to do Although some heart attacks are sudden and intense, most start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Pay attention to your body and call 911 if you feel: Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the...

Living with Chronic Pain?

Talk with Your Doctor Everyone reacts to pain differently. Many older people, especially, have been told not to talk about their aches and pains. Some people feel they should be brave and not complain when they hurt. Other people are quick to report pain and ask for...

Your Skin

Here’s Help for “Winter Itch” Cold weather, with its low relative humidity, wreaks havoc on our skin, making it dry and flaky. To help replenish the water content of your skin, moisturize daily. Apply moisturize directly to your wet skin after...

Heart Disease and Oral Health

What’s the Connection? Recent research has suggested a link between poor oral health and heart disease. Some of the findings include: Poor oral health may be a predictor of future heart disease. Oral infections may produce inflammation that can be associated...

Rx Gourmet

Heart Healthy, Diabetes Friendly – and Delicious! Kids love this yummy fruit dip. It is sweet and nutty without a lot of added sugar or calories and makes plain fruit seem like dessert. And what could be easier than stirring together three or four ingredients?...

Winter Colds and Coughs

When Is It Time to See Your Doctor? Most winter colds and coughs are viral and will go away on their own with home care. But you’ll want to see your doctor if you aren’t getting any better over time or if your symptoms worsen. Mucus buildup from a viral...