Heart Healthy, Diabetes Friendly – and Delicious!

Most everyone – whether meat lover or vegetarian – enjoys a sweet and savory treat from the grill. This recipe is perfect for grilled vegetables, chicken, pork or beef.

If marinating both vegetables and one or two meats, make sure to marinate each separately with its own batch of liquid. Never reuse liquid. Brown sugar and orange juice used in the marinade can cause the mean and veggies to char easily, so watch closely when cooking on the grill or broiling.

Teriyaki Marinade

Makes 1 ¼ cups marinade; enough for 2 ½ pounds of vegetables, meat or poultry

  • ½ cup Lite Tamari (50% less sodium) soy sauce*
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • 1 to 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper

Whisk together ingredients and pour over meat and vegetables. Marinade for about two hours. Different foods will require different marinating times. Beef usually takes longer than chicken, pork or vegetables, but since this marinade contains citrus acid, do not let it marinade longer than three hours. Acids can actually toughen meats if left in contact too long. Refrigerate food while marinating.

*If you don’t need gluten-free soy sauce and you choose to use regular soy sauce, pick a low-sodium version.

Per serving (meats and vegetables will absorb varying amounts): 41 calories; trace fat (1.2% calories from fat); 0 g saturated fat; 1 g protein; 9 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 0 mg cholesterol; 688 mg sodium. Exchanges: 0 grain (starch); ½ vegetable; 0 fruit; 0 fat; ½ other carbohydrates.

Recipe is low fat, low calorie, and gluten free

-Recipe courtesy of LowFatStyles.com

For more free recipes and healthy-cooking tips, visit www.lowfatlifestyle.com