These Tools Make It Easier Quitting smoking isn’t easy. But good tools are available. The National Cancer Institute has a “Smoking Quitline” where you can talk to a trained counselor. Call 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848). There are a number of...
This Powerful Weight-Loss Tool Can Help Keeping a record of the food you eat each day can help you lose weight or maintain it after weight loss. You don’t need to show it to anyone. Being honest with, and accountable to, yourself as to how well you are...
Make It Fun! Young kids can be picky eaters, particularly if the new food is green or smells different. Learning to enjoy a wide variety of foods takes time. Here are some things you can do to make new foods more appealing: Present them in a fun way. A popular...
Are You Overdue for a Dilated Eye Exam? Often people think their vision is fine, but when they get that first pair of glasses or contact lenses, they find out what they have been missing. Possibly improving your eyesight is only one reason too get your eyes checked. ...
Heart Healthy, Diabetes Friendly – and Delicious! Garlicky Lemon Broccoli and Cauliflower Serves 4 This delicious side dish is not only quick and easy, but it is also bursting with the crisp, bright flavor of each ingredient. This lovely pairing of veggies goes...
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