Thank you for using Dan’s Wellness Pharmacy for all your needs. The staff and I do appreciate your business and would like you to take advantage of one or all three of the attached coupons. Please click here to download your...
Eat Right for Stronger Bones There are things you should do at any age to prevent weakened bones. Eating foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D is important. Getting enough calcium all through your life helps to build and keep strong bones. Women over age 50...
Breast Milk Can Help Fight Many Disease The cells, hormones and antibodies in breast milk help protect babies from illness. This protection is unique; formula cannot match the chemical makeup of human breast milk. In fact, amoung formula-fed babies, ear infections...
Preventing Diaper Rash A few simple strategies can help decrease the likelihood of diaper rash developing on your baby’s skin. Remove dirty diapers promptly. Rinse your baby’s bottom with water as part of each diaper change. Moist washcloths and cotton balls also...
What You Can Do to Protect Yours The lungs are different from most of the other organs in your body because their delicate tissues are directly connected to the outside environment. Anything you breathe in can affect your lungs. Your body has a natural defense...
Use These Tips for Talking with Your Pharmacist Your pharmacist can help you learn how to use your prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medicines safely and to increase the benefits and decrease the risks. You can also use these tips when talking with...
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