Preventing Diaper Rash A few simple strategies can help decrease the likelihood of diaper rash developing on your baby’s skin. Remove dirty diapers promptly.  Rinse your baby’s bottom with water as part of each diaper change.  Moist washcloths and cotton balls also...

Healthy Lungs

What You Can Do to Protect Yours The lungs are different from most of the other organs in your body because their delicate tissues are directly connected to the outside environment.  Anything you breathe in can affect your lungs.  Your body has a natural defense...

It’s “Talk About Prescriptions” Month

Use These Tips for Talking with Your Pharmacist Your pharmacist can help you learn how to use your prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medicines safely and to increase the benefits and decrease the risks.  You can also use these tips when talking with...

Dental-Hygiene Update

Dry Mouth and Medications People get dry mouth when the glands in the mouth that make saliva are not working properly.  Because of this, there might not be enough saliva to keep your mouth wet.  Dry mouth can be a side effect of some medications.  More than 400...

Breast Self Exams

Take a Few Minutes — and Take Care of Your Health Some women feel very comfortable doing Breast Self-Exam (BSE) regularly (usually monthly after their period), which involves a systematic, step-by-step approach to examining the look and feel of one’s breasts. ...